
Optovue Solix
OCT Symposium
Mrs André, optician: About the Visionix® Eye Refract™
Mr Lapierre-Ganivet, optician: About the Visionix® Eye Refract™
Mr Remm, optician: About the Visionix VX 120+
Mr. Hesteau, optician: The performance of the Visionix®Eye Refract™
Mr. Hesteau, optician: The innovation of the Visionix®Eye Refract™
Mr. Hesteau, optician: The comfort of the Visionix®Eye Refract™
Mr Notarianni, optician: about the Visionix® Eye Refract™
Dr. Kambiz Silani, OD: Demonstrates the VX 120 at Vision Expo East 2017
Dr. Kambiz Silani, OD: Why is the VX 120 so valuable to your practice?
Dr. Paul Karpecki, OD, FAAO: The Power of Three with the Visionix VX 130
Dr. Paul Karpecki, OD, FAAO: Would you recommend the VX 130 / VX 120 to your colleagues?
Dr. Paul Karpecki, OD, FAAO: How the VX 130 improves my practice efficiency
Dr. Paul Karpecki, OD, FAAO: How the Visionix VX 130 can help with early diagnosis of Keratoconus?
Dr. Paul Karpecki, OD: How the VX 130 helps with patient education and diagnosis?
Dr. Jeff Gerson, OD: How the VX 130 improves the efficiency of his practice?
Dr. Emily Enright, OD: How the VX 120 and VX 130 improve eye screenings?
Professor Christophe Baudoin: Telemedicine with the Visionix® complete solution
Dott Anzani Paolo: Interview why Visionix and the VX 650